What is Structured Water?

Nature's Water is Structured Water. Structured Wate flow-form maximizes the action of a mountain stream creating what is referred to in nature, as a double vortex. Meaning, that when you drink a glass of water, or you bath or shower in water that has flowed through Structured Water product, you are getting the same energetic, life-enhancing properties, you would find in nature’s water. Increased hydration, Increased skin and hair health, Improved growth of crops, Lower water surface tension ,Reduces pipe corrosion, Healthier gardens and livestock, Improves illness immunity, Detoxifies pollutants.

Clayton Nolte Structured Water Products

Clayton has always been consumed with the infinite possibilities. As a young teen growing up on a farm in the Midwest, Clayton soloed his first airplane at 14, fueled by a passion to get a higher perspective of how things work. Academically, he has 14 years of higher education specifically in math, physics and chemistry. All of Clayton’s intellectual studies centered around asking questions and looking to the Universe for the answers.
Mr. Nolte spent the next 40 years in Research and Development, working as a consultant to various agencies. His assignments included traveling the world discovering new technologies and reverse engineering that would emulate nature and expose mysterious knowledge, thought of as unworldly. During his research, a unique recurring phenomenon in water was discovered. Water was the only constant in almost every study and present in many places considered “impossible.” After years of studying this marvel, nature finally unveiled the true properties of Structured Water. This understanding became the catalyst for Clayton to turn all his focus toward this fascinating phenomenon in nature.

In 2010 Clayton Nolte founded a company. to create technology and bring to market products that enhance life, clarity and consciousness.


Structured Water Products

Structure Your Water. Structuring Water enhances all water; tap water, bottled water, irrigation water, shower and bath water. Improves the energetic quality of life. Coherent Balanced Structured Water.
Structured water is Nature's Water. The main contingent of structured water is life force energy, and that life force energy comes down to the water molecule itself. The water molecule has the power and the individual mandate to protect life. It’s mandate is to protect all living things from the things that are adverse to life and to generously provide and enhance the things that are good or beneficial for life. This is what structured water does. "It brings in the nutrients and takes out the garbage",